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Case Studies

How we drove 500+ leads to Jesse Pujji’s portfolio companies and grew his Newsletter to 10k+ subscribers.

Last updated:
November 28, 2024
Jesse Puji
15k to 30k
LinkedIn Followers
Newsletter Subscribers
Leads for his portfolio companies GrowthAssistant & AUX Insights
Table of contents

Key Takeaways

His challenge:

Jesse was already crushing it on Twitter but lacked strategy & structure on LinkedIn. He needed to own a category and double down on what had been successful.

Our approach:

  • Turned his LinkedIn profile into a landing page that showcased his best work
  • Doubled down on Bootstrapping as his #1 topic
  • Set up a Content Engine that generated fresh ideas from Jesse


After 1 year of working together, Jesse doubled his following and generated 500+ leads for Growth Assistant (his portfolio company) & AUX Insights. He grew his Newsletter to 10k+ subscribers and is one of the fastest-growing accounts on LinkedIn.

What they say about us

"Marvin & notus have been amazing. I’ve done this a bit myself and tried a few other firms. Here is what I found to be different:

1. They have a point of view. They don’t just take orders, but share what they think makes sense, what will work and why. Huge.
2. Infrastructure/machine - they've done a great job building systems that help keep things on track and scale.
3. Good content creators. I have a voice and have been out there and they’ve done a nice job of mimicking."

His challenge

Jesse was crushing it on Twitter but lacked a clear process & strategy on LinkedIn. He needed to own a category and double down on what had been proven to be successful.

How we approached this


We started by building a list of high-performing content he’d already published on Twitter (X), to find out what topics resonated with his audience. One of the topics that seemed to resonate most was the “Bootstrapping”, which we took as a leverage point. If Jesse could own an entire category, it was this one - so we doubled down.

On top of that, we made sure that his topics strategically aligned with his portfolio companies, in order to drive traffic and leads to them.

The Content Engine

With the strategic blueprint mapped out, we set Jesse’s content engine - a system to collect quality input from him consistently. Once every 2 weeks, one of our content strategists sat down with Jesse and gathered fresh insights from Jesse based on the topics we’d decided upon. We also repurposed his previous high-performing content as part of the workflow.

The Retention Engine

With our Content Engine locked in, it was time to focus on owning Jesse's audience outside of social media. His newsletter lacked direction and didn't align with his new positioning. We saw the perfect opportunity for an overhaul. We rebranded his newsletter to “Bootstrapped Giants”, and positioned him as the owner of the ‘Bootstrapped’ category. We then built a “Educational email course” as a lead magnet, which we offered to his audience for free in exchange for their email.

In-House Transition

After all systems were set up and running smoothly, we helped Jesse find a Head of Content to transition operations in-house.

Before & After - Conclusion


  • No LinkedIn content strategy
  • Lacked LinkedIn Reach
  • Lacked attention to his portfolio companies


  • 2x’d his LinkedIn followers (30k+ now)
  • 10k+ Subs to his newsletter
  • Launched 3 portfolio companies on the back of his PB
  • Drove 500+ leads and generated inbound dealflow for Growth Assistant and Aux Insights