notus Newsroom

Creating impactful content is our daily motivation.

This page is the home-base for journalists and editors interested in covering all things notus.

You’ll find a bullet-proof media kit, infos about our journey and guidance on our core expertise.

Oh, and of course you can get in touch for some juicy interviews.

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notus on air, media & stage

Logo of Brutkasten
photo of a person holding phone
How founders can turn their LinkedIn presence into a valuable marketing channel in just 6 steps.
Speaker Announcement: Eva Egg & Marvin Sanginés are named as Top 10 Centre Stage Keynote Speakers at the Innovative Digital EXPO 2023
Logo of Brutkasten
Photo of the Notus Team
The Swiss start-up with an Austrian founder on board helps founders gain more visibility.
Marvin Sanginés co-hosts podcast show with Vicktoria Klich
Marvin shares his learnings with notus and why personal branding is more relevant than ever.
Join Marvin and Nick Metzer on a Walk 'n' Talk interview, chatting about the notus vision, personal development and more.
Marvin's first Linkedin Video: Starting the notus journey – did he know what's going to be around the corner?

notus press release


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